Millicent grave restored

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Millicent grave restored

The South East Family History Group has recently restored the grave in the Millicent cemetery of a pioneer with links across the region.

The long-neglected grave of Margaret Wright at the Millicent Cemetery received the expert attention of history group volunteers.

Furthermore, history group president Noel Boyle researched the life of Ms Wright through old newspapers and other sources.

“The history group volunteers had the chance to use our recently donated limestone ashlars from Bruhn in Mount Gambier when we restored Margaret Wright’s grave at the Millicent cemetery,” Mr Boyle said.

“One of the interesting things about this grave is there is only half a headstone. Some time back the group dug down to see if the other half was buried in the sand but no other section was found.

“Margaret Wright’s husband Thomas died in November 1876 and is buried in Millicent’s first cemetery near the present-day hospital. No records exist for these burials.

“Thomas Wright married Margaret Quinlan on November 22, 1859 at Glenroy Station.

“Another interesting thing about Thomas’s death is that in November 1906 – 30 years after his death – Margaret Wright placed an article in the newspaper advising people who may have an account with the estate of Thomas Wright to lodge a claim with her lawyer.

“Margaret died only a few months later on February 10, 1907 at the age of 78 years.

“The land next to her home was set aside for a school therefore I believe it to be Pompoon School on the Wyrie near Lake Bonney.”

Mr Boyle’s research has also uncovered an obituary for Ms Wright which was published in the Adelaide Advertiser within a few days of her death.

“Mr and Mrs Wright came to the Millicent district and settled on a small block near Pinch Gut in the early 1870s,” stated her obituary.

“There her husband died and the widow had resided on the Wyrie ever since.

“She had been ailing for a long time and about a fortnight ago she became an inmate of the Millicent cottage hospital where she passed away.

“She left a family of two sons and two daughters and several grandchildren, none of whom reside in or near Millicent.”

Meanwhile, the history group continues to hold regular working bees at the Millicent Cemetery.

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