‘Moogy’ to share voice

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‘Moogy’ to share voice

Former Millicent resident Major “Moogy” Sumner has been elected to the SA First Nations Voice to Parliament Central Ward.

He topped the vote of the 41candidates in this ward with 178 first preference votes.

“I look forward to representing community and working together with the others who have been elected to achieve better outcomes for all,” Mr Sumner said.

“Thank you to everyone who voted for me – I am genuinely humbled by the overwhelming support.”

He is no stranger to politics having stood for the Greens in the seat of Boothby at the last Federal poll.

Mr Sumner also recently donned traditional First Nations garb and officially welcomed former British Prime Minister and current Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron to Government House in Adelaide.

Meanwhile, Mount Gambier Liberal MLC Ben Hood believes the low voter turn-out justified the scrapping of The SA Voice.

“90% of eligible Aboriginal voters chose not to participate in the recent State Voice elections, according to South Australian Electoral Commission data,” Mr Hood said.

“Just 2583 votes were cast across the entire State, with some candidates elected with as few as six votes.

“They have no mandate.

“Premier Peter Malinauskas must repeal this experiment in divisive identity politics and wasted money in yet another level of bureaucracy.”

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