Motorists face court over alleged driving offences

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Motorists face court over alleged driving offences

Anumber of defendants faced Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of driving offences.

Eckermann Lawyers senior solicitor Herman Augustinus Bersee is accused of exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km an hour (camera offence).

Magistrate Kossiavelos disqualified herself from the matter which she said she would do with every legal practitioner in Mount Gambier that appears before her regularly.

Mr Bersee is set to appear in the Adelaide Magistrates Court on May 20.

Jordan Matthews is accused of driving a vehicle with a licence disqualified/suspended and was adjourned to reappear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on May 21.

Richard John Kovacs disputed the alleged matter of exceeding the speed limit by 10-19km an hour (camera offence).

Mr Kovacs was instructed by Magistrate Kossiavelos to negotiate with Mount Gambier Police Prosecution to see if the matter can be withdrawn and will reappear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on May 21.

Dartmoor man Heath Pratt, 46, pleaded guilty to driving with excess blood alcohol more than three times the legal limit and was sentenced to a 12 month licence disqualification and a fine of $1100.

Glencoe man Daniel John Mutch pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with cannabis in oral fluid or blood and was sentenced to a six month licence disqualification commencing May 1 and a $900 fine.

Neil J Shaw was accused of exceeding the speed limit by 10-19km an hour and was adjourned to reappear in a pre-trial conference on May 27.

Mount Gambier man Lukas Alan Byfieldt, 40, pleaded guilty to driving a vehicle while disqualified/suspended and was sentenced to a good behaviour bond of six months.

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