Music rings out over town

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Music rings out over town

The Millicent township is being treated to three concerts at three venues within the space of a month.

The music started on Tuesday at the inaugural Millicent High School Music Showcase at the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre.

The showcase featured MHS music students performing an entertaining and diverse program of music across a wide range of musical genres.

The next gig is also an all-ages event and will be outdoors in the grounds of the Millicent railway station from mid-afternoon on November18.

There is an all-local lineup for “Rock Again on the Rails” and it is a fundraiser for Millicent community radio station 5THE-FM.

The third concert is dedicated to country music and is headlined by versatile Millicent entertainer Allan Webster and three supporting artists.

It will be held at the Millicent United Soccer Club on the afternoon of December 3.

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