Night bowlers don’t put foot wrong

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Night bowlers don’t put foot wrong

It was so warm at the Millicent Night Owls on Wednesday night that some bowlers opted to play in bare feet.

Touches went to Kylie Ross 4 (Gizzies Crew), Karen Mitchell 3, (Gizzies Crew), Braydn Reilly 3, (Here 4 Beer), Geoff Lane (Somerset Legends) 4, Mick Pedler (Rovers) 3, Janet Watson (Birdies) 3, Ralph Domashenz (Lions Roar) 3, Ross Waren (Jack Attack) 3, Alan Webster (Awesome Foursome) 3, John Cockrum (Untouchables) 3.

Winners this week in Red Division were Rovers (Steve Skeer, Roger Buckmaster, John Buhlmann, Mick Pedler) defeating Maccas 29+18.

Other winners were Mossies 28+7, Grand Hotel 28+3, Bits & Pieces 27+1, Jack Attack 26+2.

In Blue Division Rotary (Greg De Pamphilis, Peter Gregurke, Aaron Emonson, Ian Nitschke) defeated Rams 28+13.

Other winners were Acky’s Owls 27+4, Max’s Four 27+3, Somerset Seniors 16+0 .

In White Division Gizzies Crew (Kylie Ross, Paul Craig, Karen Mitchell, Margie Gysbers) defeated Scrappers 31+25.

Other winners were Black Beetles 29+15, Wanna B DJ’s 29+4, Miss Fitts 27+10, X Factor 27+4).

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