Nothing left to lose for softballers

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Nothing left to lose for softballers

The Mount Gambier Softball League will host its grand final this weekend, with Warriors and Demons set to lay it all on the line for the big prize. The SE Voice spoke to Warriors coach Leyna Bruggemann and Demons coach Kezia Feast to get their preview for the weekend’s match.

Demons coach – Kezia Feast

After an amazing preliminary final performance Demons are excited to be moving through to the grand final.

We have nothing to lose from here.

We have made it into the big dance which is what we have been working towards all year.

We have managed to secure top of the leaderboard all season and making it into the grand final was a big goal of ours.

There are no losers in a grand final, just a better team.

We will be putting our best foot forward and hope to play some grand final worthy softball.

I have no doubt Warriors will be pushing us to play at our very best level and we are ready for that challenge.

Players to watch include Steph

Chant who had two safe hits and three fly catches in left field during the

preliminary final game and was named Demons’ most versatile and consistent player last year.

Em Hart had three safe hits and great defensive pressure during the preliminary final.

Cody Manning is the runner up League Best and Fairest winner and is sure to bring the heat come grand final.

Our “Baby Demon” Sofie Morale is small yet fierce.

Sofie won herself numerous league votes and has worked hard this season to improve her skills and playing ability

Warriors coach – Leyna Bruggemann

Warriors are stoked to be facing off against league leaders in Demons for the 2023-24 MGSL grand final this weekend.

We envisage a full house so eager spectators should skedaddle out to BLSP for a bird’s eye view of the spectacle.

Warriors certainly are not expecting a similar result to the semi final but we will be fired up and ready to go with a full contingent led by their superstar “Denis Denuto” AKA Sarah Polderman, who goes about her craft without kerfuffle, zinging round the bases as she powers shots from the batter’s box notching up the league RBI award.

Similarly “The Smiling Assassin” Melissa Chuck, who always puts the team first, will undoubtedly be behind everything that comes her way at first.

Jarvo Queale provides unmatchable tomfoolery amongst her steely competitiveness, both required to level any additional malarkey Leyna Bruggemann provides to the big game.

“Saintly” Jasmine Disslebach, rookie Haley Lindner and “Doddsy” Dodds will control the outfield at various stages and Justine Koop, Kelly Doyle, Skylea McClean and Caroline Bradshaw are ones to watch and have hurt teams on the scoreboard consistently this year.

My inside tip is the safe hitting bat of both Teresa Hatch and Kateesha Yates, newcomers to the navy and white but who have slotted right into the high jinx.

Warriors would also like to acknowledge the outstanding individual achievements of Demons’ Billie Jones as she won her millionth league best and fairest on the weekend as well as Cody Manning for her runner up league best and fairest to go along with her State Championship best player performance.

Leader Kezia Feast did her Demons side proud with runner up RBI accolades too..

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