Pest sea creatures deterred

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Pest sea creatures deterred

Professionals fishers in the Lakes and Coorong have recently been given special State Government permission to use underwater percussion devices to deter long-nosed fur seals.

The sea creatures may appear to be cute but they are tearing up nets and causing much damage.

The special authority lasts for up to 12 months and was determined by acting fisheries director Benn Gramola and with the backing of Primary Industries Minister Clare Scriven.

In a letter to professional fishermen, Mr Gramola said he was keen to assist the industry in dealing with interactions between fishing gear and long-nosed fur seals.

“I have approved, as delegate of the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, a Ministerial exemption,” Mr Gramola said.

“It will allow holders of a Lakes and Coorong Fishery licence with a net endorsement, or their registered masters or agents, to use underwater percussion devices, where they also hold a permit from the Department of Environment and Water to use non-lethal seal deterrents within the commercial Lakes and Coorong Fishery.

“These measures are temporary management arrangements that will be in place for 12 months unless varied or revoked earlier.

“All other conditions of the licence and requirements of the Fisheries Management Act 2007 and subordinate regulations continue to apply, including marking requirements, dimensions and use of the gear.”

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