Pink party raises foundation funds

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Pink party raises foundation funds

Strong community support for a cancer charity was shown by the public when companion Millicent businesses McCourt’s Café and McCourt’s Garden Centre turned “pink”.

They staged special promotions to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation which provides 223 breast care nurses across Australia.

McCourt’s were joined in the initiative by the 14 other independent nurseries in regional South Australia which form the Garden Centres SA alliance.

They called the joint fundraiser “Strike me Pink”.

The Davenport Street business had raffles and a garage sale while Starling Flowers from Robe donated flowers which were, in turn, made into decorative bunches and sold.

Pink cakes and pink thickshakes, snacks and beverages were popular in the café with a percentage of the sales going to the McGrath Foundation.

In keeping with the pink theme, customers and staff were encouraged to wear this colour.

Manager Christine Agnew said she was delighted that so many chose to do so.

Overall, Ms Agnew said Strike Me Pink had been well supported with a significant donation also coming from the Millicent Cancer Support Group.

The McGrath Foundation also raises awareness of breast cancer and the screening bus will be in Millicent at the end of May and is taking bookings now.

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