Plan for fish release in Valley Lake

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Plan for fish release in Valley Lake

Mount Gambier City Council will apply for a permit from the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) to restock the Valley Lake with native fish to the value of $1800.

This follows a proposal from RecFish SA to consider the recreational fishing and ecotourism initiative.

At the December 2023 Council meeting, Elected Members endorsed a phased implementation process, which initially includes lodging an application with PIRSA for a permit to release mature Murray Cod and Yellow Belly Perch into the lake.

“Introducing larger native fish species is in line with a recommendation from Photon, the water investigation consultant that has been undertaking water testing on the lake,” City of Mount Gambier General Manager City Infrastructure Barbara Cernovskis said.

“Larger fish will benefit the lake’s ecology and biodiversity.

“They will reduce the number of non-native European carp in the water and the level of algae and mud in the lake, while also improving the water quality.”

Further investigation will follow, and a report will be prepared for council outlining the implementation of a recreational fishing permit that includes commercial modelling, ongoing maintenance/restocking and resourcing requirements.

“The second phase of the project includes further investigation into a recreational fishing licence/permit model enabling people to fish on the lake,” Ms Cernovskis said.

This work aligns with council’s Crater Lakes Activation Plan.

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