Players fight for stableford

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Players fight for stableford

Fifteen pairs of women golfers participated in a Three Person Medley Stableford competition last Wednesday at Mount Gambier Golf Club.

In the event sponsored by ex-captain, Faye Mainwaring, the field faced a very cold and windy morning, with heavy rain early afternoon, making high scoring very difficult.

The winning combination for the day was Di O’Donnell (33 points), Helen McIntyre (31) and Carol Davis (29).

The format of the competition was to record on a separate scorecard, the best two highest scores of each hole and the winning team recorded 75 points.

Collecting seven points on the third hole enabled the winners to just get over the line by one point ahead of runners-up Jess Parsons (30), Jan Shanahan (38) and Vicki Clark (18).

This team had a wonderful 42 points on the front nine racking up seven points on the 8th hole and two six-pointers on back to back greens.

Captain Jan Shanahan (19 handicap) had the best score of the day playing two under her handicap.

Third placing of the day was the team of Kathy Ewer (28), Di Norman (30) and Helen Gregory (31) which played consistent golf to finish with 72 points.

Jess Parsons had a lovely shot on the 8th par 3 hole, measuring 28 cms and registered a birdie and collecting four points and three balls for the pro shot.

Tomorrow a 4 BBB stableford sponsored by Kerry Pedlar will be contested.

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