Political smoke, but no Flint fire

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Political smoke, but no Flint fire

Former Federal politican Nicolle Flint will not seek Liberal Party pre-selection for the local state seat of MacKillop at the next poll in 2026.

The seat was won for the second time at the 2022 election by sitting Liberal Nick McBride but he turned independent midway through last year.

Ms Flint was asked about her political aspirations by Rendelsham grazier Tyson Smith when the Liberal Party staged a public meeting at the Grand Hotel in Millicent on Monday night.

In reply, Ms Flint said Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin had been trying hard to get her to stand for Liberal Party preselection for MacKillop.

However, Ms Flint said that was not her intention.

Ms Flint said she wanted to work on the family farm at Kingston, continue paid work for Sky News and be a hard-working Liberal Party volunteer as the chair of its Rural and Regional Council

The former MHR for the metropolitan seat of Boothby from 2016-22 said she intends to work on policy development and do more of the Liberal’s “Listening Tours” of electorates like she has undertaken in MacKillop in the past fortnight.

Ms Flint’s remarks were made during a forum lasting almost two hours which she jointly convened with Liberal MLC Ben Hood.

The pair staged similar public meetings at major towns in the MacKillop electorate in recent weeks.

The Millicent forum attracted 20 Liberal Party members and other interested persons and all were invited to air their views and ask questions.

Most attendees raised issues relating to road maintenance, health services, lack of public transport and certain education policies.

Mr Hood said the Liberal Party MacKillop pre-selection would be held “soon”.

Another reference to the pre-selection was made by Rendelsham Liberal Party branch president Graeme Smith.

He was highly critical of some decisions with respect to National Parks in this region made by the Liberal Party when in government from 2018-2022.

According to Mr Smith, there had been no consultation with Mr McBride and he further claimed this was a contributing factor to him leaving the Liberal Party.

“It will take a good candidate to roll Nick McBride in MacKillop,” Mr Smith said.

Mr Pasin told The SE Voice that he had been a strong supporter of Ms Flint for a long time.

“She would make an excellent candidate and indeed a valuable asset to the South Australian Liberal Parliamentary team’s front bench should that eventuate,” Mr Pasin said.

“I witnessed Nicolle work extremely hard as a highly effective member of the Federal Parliament and I have no doubt that she would represent MacKillop in the State Parliament in a similar vein.

“However, ultimately the Liberal Party’s candidate in MacKillop will be selected democratically by the local Liberal Party membership.

“The decision to stand for pre-selection is a personal one and as such is a matter entirely for Nicolle.”

The SE Voice also approached Mr McBride for a response to the Monday night meeting and he issued this statement.

“I welcome more focus on MacKillop so that awareness of our community’s priorities reaches all parties,” Mr McBride said.

“I’m always happy to talk with all sides of government to progress positive outcomes for our towns.

“I’m always here for MacKillop, I attend a large number of meetings and events across the vast MacKillop electorate each month where I enjoy engaging with my community on key issues.

“I continue to focus on delivering for MacKillop with recent wins being working with government to achieve additional phone towers to address mobile blackspots and housing in Bordertown.

“I am excited that results of our electorate wide survey are being compiled from this Thursday along with additional community feedback following a successful 2023 Country Cabinet, and recent meetings with the state and federal government and key stakeholders.

“The comprehensive consolidated feedback of these initiatives will help add to my priority list for 2024, which includes roads, housing, health, coastal erosion/jetty infrastructure and education.

“I am always here for MacKillop and am focussed on delivering what’s best for the people of MacKillop who live and work in this region.

“If others want to come in and out and bring focus on our region and issues that’s great.

“Ultimately, I will be the one who remains here in the South East for the long term to implement positive outcomes for MacKillop electorate.

“As an independent member I am in the best position of anyone to progress and deliver positive outcomes, working with any side of politics for the best for MacKillop.”

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