Potato storage approved

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Potato storage approved

Five large potato storage sheds are set to be erected near Mount Gambier despite the objections of several neighbours.

The Southern Limestone Coast Regional Assessment Panel met last month and gave conditional approval to the five sheds which will each measure 3700 square metres.

As part of the development, there will be an office, toilets, solar panels and a machinery shed on Peweena Road at Mingbool.

The panel considered written objections as well as similar statements made in the meeting chamber.

The planner’s report noted that farming/grazing is the dominant land use in the locality, often with associated dwellings and some irrigated pastures.

Other nearby uses include quarrying and an electricity substation on Ponda Road, Mingbool Restorations with dozens of vehicles stored on the corner of Peweena and Ponda Roads, and horse training on the opposite side of Peweena Road.

There were formal objections lodged by 12 local residents in writing and they referred to issues such as traffic and road suitability, landscaping adequacy, noise impacting sensitive receivers, lighting, dust and odour.

The company responded to these concerns both in writing and in an address to the panel.

The expansion will be done in stages and should be completed by 2030.

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