Pub hosts ‘Listening Post’

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Pub hosts ‘Listening Post’

Glenelg Shire residents are invited to take the opportunity to chat with elected members and staff about local projects, highlight ideas and more as council’s Listening Post program gets under way for 2023.

Nelson will play host to the first of council’s 2023 – 2024 Listening Posts with a drop-in session being held from 11am-1pm at the Nelson Hotel on July 21.

Glenelg Shire Mayor Scott Martin said the Listening Posts were designed to provide an informal, relaxed opportunity for the community to meet with councillors and staff to exchange information and ideas.

“Our 2021-2025 council plan makes a commitment to host engagement sessions and we know many community members do not wish to attend a formal meeting or appointment to discuss ideas for their township or relevant group,” he said.

“As a result, the Listening Posts provide a more relaxed setting for residents to feel comfortable to ‘drop in’ and share their ideas.

“Our first Listening Post will take place on Friday, July 21 in Nelson as promised at the March council meeting.

“I encourage Nelson residents to drop in anytime between 11am – 1pm at the Nelson Hotel.

“There is no need to RSVP, simply come down and share your ideas – this could be on improvements for the town, ideas on current and future services or simply just to touch base and connect with council.”

Mayor Martin thanked all those who provided feedback via a survey on Council’s Your Say Glenelg website about the Listening Posts earlier this year.

“We released a survey a few months ago to determine the community’s preferred dates, times and locations to host the Listening Post sessions across the shire,” he said.

“I thank the community groups and individuals who took the time to provide their preferences – we received a number of responses that helped us set the 2023/2024 program.

“The online Listening Post will also be reactivated on Council’s YourSay Glenelg website, allowing you to share your ideas at any time.

“If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, devices are in the process of being installed at our Customer Service Centres and our friendly customer service staff will be on hand to help you submit this form.”

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