Public feedback shapes council land use strategy

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Public feedback shapes council land use strategy

Community feedback on the Grant District Council’s Strategic Land Use Priorities Project has been compiled into a report to be presented back to the public this month.

Consultation closed in April with a ‘What we have heard’ summary prepared by MasterPlan.

Media and Community Officer Renee Henke reported on the statistics of the consultation in an update to council at its May monthly meeting.

“A dedicated project page was created on Your Say DCG for the community to read background information on the project, understand what is proposed, how to have your say, the projects timeline, and view the full Draft Strategic Land Use Priorities Project and summary documents,” she said.

“A total of 24 submissions were received during the consultation period with one additional late submission.”

Chief executive Darryl Whicker said MasterPlan submitted the summary report which analysed feedback received during the consultation phase.

“The report presents additional data to inform council’s decision-making regarding land use zoning to assist with finalising council’s Strategic Land Use Priorities Project which will guide advocacy and input on the upcoming Regional Plan process,” he said.

“The (council’s) administration is negotiating a time to hold a workshop in which MasterPlan will provide guidance to the feedback received during the consultation.”

The report will be available to elected members ahead of the workshop.

Following the workshop the final Strategic Land Use Plan will be presented for consideration and adoption when council gather on June 17 for its monthly meeting.

Council will be given the opportunity to consider the feedback and incorporate it in its response to engagement by the State Planning Commission on the draft Regional Plan for the Limestone Coast.

The State Planning Commission (SPC) has commenced preparation of Regional Plans for the seven regions in South Australia, including one for the Limestone Coast.

Grant District Council intends the Strategic Land Use Priorities Project document to influence the Limestone Coast Regional Plan.

An engagement date is yet to be announce by the SPC for the process.

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