Regional palliative care jobs created

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Regional palliative care jobs created

The State Government has recruited more specialist palliative care nurses in regional South Australia to support patients and families with end-of-life care, fulfilling an election pledge.

Ten additional full-time equivalent (FTE) roles are now in place across the six regional Local Health Networks (LHNs) – offering country-based South Australians better palliative and end-of-life care closer to home.

The new specialist palliative care nurses are now in place in Gawler, Mount Barker, Port Lincoln, Tumby Bay, Wudinna, Port Augusta, Whyalla, Millicent, Murray Bridge, Clare, the Fleurieu Peninsula and Barmera, enabling improved access to palliative services.

The nurses are already improving access to important palliative care services and have been well received by communities.

This fulfills the State Government’s pledge to increase the number of specialist palliative care nurses in regional South Australia by 10 FTE – from 22 FTE to 32 FTE.

Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Nurse Consultants will provide physical, emotional and complex care for people with life-limiting or terminal illness, and for their families working in a range of settings including hospitals or in the community such as home or residential aged care.

The $6.3m investment in these new roles follows consultation with the state-wide Palliative Care Clinical Network and Local Health Networks to determine the required nursing levels and geographical allocation to best meet growing demand in our regions.

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