Relay launch

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Relay launch

The Mount Gambier Relay For Life Organising Committee is preparing for the 2023 Relay For Life event to be held early next year and is seeking support from the local community.

Organisers are inviting all former Relay For Life participants, workplaces, schools, sporting organisations and individuals who wish to contribute to a cancer free future to a planning meeting.

The meeting will be held on September 27 at the Mount Gambier Community RSL, starting at 7pm.

Mount Gambier Relay For Life Committee Chair Steve Toope said members were planning a family-friendly event held during the day.

“It will have everything that makes Relay For Life unique alongside a range of entertainment and activities across the day,” he said.

“It was clear from conversations with previous participants that a daytime event is the preferred option and an opportunity to further enhance the event.

We could add more entertainment and activities such as a market day, stall holders, catering and music performances which would all add to the overall vibrancy of the day.”

Mr Toope said the committee was hoping to gather feedback from the community to help further develop a plan for the event.

“It is very important that we get the community involved at this early stage and gather information about how many teams are interested in signing up,” he said.

“Relay For Life raises funds for Cancer Council SA to support people impacted by cancer. Cancer does not discriminate and anyone can be affected. The ripple effects from a cancer diagnosis are enormous as it also impacts family, friends, work colleagues, teammates and the broader community.

“Funds raised from the event will go towards cancer research and support services for people with cancer and loved ones, such as accommodation and emotional support.

“Cancer Council SA is building a new Adelaide-based facility which will provide cancer accommodation, research, prevention and support for people with cancer and their families all under one roof. This is why we need the community’s support.”

Mr Toope said Mount Gambier was not immune from cancer statistics.

“We can help bring them down with effort and determination. It is our quest,” he said.

“We welcome all Mount Gambier community members to the Relay For Life planning meeting on September 27 to provide your valuable feedback.”

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