Reunion to bring college community Together Again

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Reunion to bring college community Together Again

Mount Gambier’s Tenison Woods College will hold an inaugural all-encompassing reunion in October, bringing together current and past students, families and staff after two years of event restrictions.

In an effort to maintain strong community ties and forge new connections, the event Together Again will allow people to socialise in a casual setting at City Hall, in the Main Corner Complex on October 15 from 5pm-8pm.

Catholic Education has a rich history in the region, spanning back to the early days of settlement in the South East, from the first parish school established in Penola in 1866, to today where three Catholic schools have made their mark in the area.

Tenison Woods College takes pride in this story and values the relationships with and support from community members.

Principal David Mezinec believes it is the perfect opportunity to come together and reunite, now that socialising is back in full swing.

“Our Together Again event gives an opportunity to reconnect with everyone in our community,” he said.

“I cannot wait to see people face-to-face and enjoy conversations and sharing stories.

“I really encourage everyone to get their current or past classmates together, touch base on your social channels and plan an evening out.

“The evening will offer a chance to share stories, reminisce about school days past and learn about our plans for the future.

“I invite old Mercy and Marist scholars, former St Paul’s and Tenison College students and friends of the college to consider attending the event and reconnecting with their Tenison Woods College family.”

For staff at the college, the ability to meet, teach and connect with students and families in the community is all part of their Tenison Woods College journey.

One member of staff, Steve Primer, has been teaching at the college for over 40 years and highly regards the community focused approach at the school.

“I began my career here in 1979 and had no idea I’d be here for this long,” he said.

“There’s something about this community that makes it easy to work in and my colleagues have become my life-long friends and family.

“It’s been a great experience so far and I have met and taught thousands of students and worked with hundreds of staff members.”

With a great deal of development currently happening at Tenison Woods College, the event is the perfect opportunity to learn more about future plans.

There will be conversations aplenty on how far the college has come since 1972 when Tenison College was formed, following the merging of Mater Christi College and Marist Brothers Agricultural College.

It was not until 2001 that Tenison Woods College was born, through the amalgamation of St Paul’s School and Tenison College.

Today, the school is developing and changing, currently undergoing construction of a brand-new double-storey junior school, which will house students from Years 1-6 from 2023.

This follows on from the completion of an all new Reception building in 2021.

Together, these builds will form a state-of-the-art junior school precinct.

Tickets to Together Again are free, with bar services available on the night. Booking registrations are required.

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