Rural women to gather at Robe

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Rural women to gather at Robe

An active team of 10 Robe ladies have generously offered their time and expertise to host the 29th SA Rural Women’s Gathering in Robe later this year.

The format for the September 13-15 weekend includes concurrent practical workshops, guest speaker sessions, a gala dinner, social and shopping time.

It will be a wonderful opportunity for Robe businesses, organisations and individuals to be involved.

The event is for all SA rural women.

For those unable to attend the whole event, there will be options to attend Friday only, Saturday workshops and tours or Sunday morning activities.

The aim of the event is to encourage as many women as possible to participate in the gathering. South Australia held its first Rural Women’s Gathering at Murray Bridge in 1996, attracting 180 women.

At the conclusion of the first gathering the committee was very keen to ensure that this gathering tradition continued.

The gathering offers opportunities for all rural women, no matter whether they want agricultural, business information, personal development or social recreational opportunities to gather in one place over a fun filled weekend.

Speakers will highlight some local artists and there are so many workshops on offer to create a weekend of learning and relaxation.

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