School camps to resume

School camps to resume

After weeks of uncertainty about COVID-19 restrictions, South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) camps have been reintroduced by the Department for Education.

Grant High School is one of the schools in the region that has been affected by the ruling.

Grant High School Principal Fleur Roachock said the worst part had been not knowing whether SACE stage one or two outdoor education students would be able to take part in camps at all.

“The anticipation has been hard so it was a relief when we got the announcement that camps could recommence,” she said.

“It is only SACE camps so I think the department feels that it mitigates enough risk to make it worthwhile and that students’ educations are not being comprised in ways that will be really difficult to make up for.

“This decision will help learning a lot. Stage two students in particular need to practice because they will have their self-reliant camp later this year which they need to be prepared for.

“Stage one outdoor education students are only doing a semester of the subject so it is important those in the first semester would get the opportunity to go on camps.

“When we finished school at the end of last year we had no idea of what Omicron was going to do and no concept of how the start of the school year would be. The kids were not aware of what would happen, but I hope they have enough faith in us to know we would do our best to look after them as always.”

Outdoor education student Giaan Ferguson said she was excited after hearing the announcement.

“I thought that camps would be reintroduced because we got to do outdoor education and I don’t think they would let us do the subject if they did not think camps were coming back,” she said.

“I was hoping they came back but you never really know.”

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