Sculpture shines in Penola square

Sculpture shines in Penola square

The generosity of spirit sculpture in Penola’s town square has been completed with the installation of 29 laser cut stainless steel base panels being placed at the base of the sculpture recently.

A stainless steel sign has also been placed on a stand in front of the sculpture.

The plaques feature names of individuals, families and organisations of people who donated money for the panels to pay tribute to a woman or a group of women of Penola’s past, present and future.

The Penola community donated just under $40,000 towards the sculpture with the local Bendigo bank branch contributing $5000 towards the project.

One of the small group of the seven dedicated working party members Anne Johnson was delighted with the end result.

“We are most grateful for the generosity of the donors,” she said.

“We would also like to thank the staff of the Wattle Range Council who did a magnificent job installing the sculpture, signage and the base panels.”

The sculpture now takes pride of place in the town square.

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