Short future expected for 1930s-built council building

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Short future expected for 1930s-built council building

Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll anticipates the existing Millicent council office will be demolished once the new $10m service centre on North Terrace is completed.

While expressing a personal opinion, Mayor Noll stressed the fate of the 89-year-old building would be decided by the other 11 elected members.

Mayor Noll said a decision was yet to be taken.

He said the building was not heritage-listed and he would like to see the existing lawned areas and rose gardens extended.

Local government offices have occupied the building for almost 60 years and there have been major additions and internal renovations.

At various times, it has also housed the Millicent Public Library, mayoral parlour and the council meeting chamber.

It had been purpose-built for Millicent High School in 1935 and some rare Art Deco features remain.

MHS had begun in 1928 when the original Millicent School building on Mount Gambier Road (now occupied by the National Trust Living History Museum) was used.

The purpose-built secondary school was erected on Ridge Terrace seven years later.

Construction of the ‘third’ school on the green field site on Mount Burr Road began in August, 1961.

The new school was occupied for the first time on September 17, 1962 when 340 students entered the classrooms.

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