South East traffic summary

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South East traffic summary

Limestone Coast Police have been busy on the roads over the long weekend with drivers caught under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

About 11.20pm on Friday a 59-year-old man from Brinkley was stopped on the Southern Ports Highway at Robe for a random driver test. He returned a positive reading of 0.114 and was issued a six-month immediate loss of licence notice. He was reported for drink-driving and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.

About 1.30am on Saturday a 30-year-old man from Millicent was seen at a service station in Millicent about to drive his car. Police found that the man had just driven his car to the service station a short time before. The driver underwent a breath test and returned a positive reading of 0.118. The man was reported for drink-driving, he was issued a six-month immediate loss of licence notice and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.

About 9pm on Saturday 9 March, a 27-year-old man from Wandilo was stopped on Tolmie Street Mount Gambier after he was found to have illegal lights attached the underside of his car. He underwent a breath test and returned a positive result of 0.130. The man was reported for drink-driving, he was issued with a six-month immediate loss of licence notice and had his vehicle impounded for 28 days. He will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.

About 12.45am on Sunday a 34-year-old woman from Mount Gambier was stopped on Helen Street for a random driver test. She refused to provide a sample of her breath and was arrested for failing to comply with a direction to undergo a breath test. She was bailed to appear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court at a later date.

About 9.50pm on Sunday a 49-year-old man from Mount Gambier was stopped on Avon Street for a random driver test. He returned a positive reading of 0.169. The driver also tested positive for cannabis. The man was reported for drink-driving and breach of provisional licence conditions. He was issued a 12-month immediate loss of licence notice and had his vehicle impounded for 28 days.

About 4.45pm on Monday a 33-year-old man from Mount Gambier was stopped on Wireless Road East, Mount Gambier for a random driver test. He returned a positive reading of 0.051. The driver is required to have a 0.00 blood alcohol reading due to licence conditions, and will be reported at a later date.

Police also stopped nine other drivers who tested positive for illicit drugs during the weekend.

Police will continue to target drivers who choose to risk their lives and the safety of other road users by consuming drugs and alcohol and then choosing to drive a motor vehicle.

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