Support call answered

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Support call answered

Arecord amount of almost $8000 for a Millicent quiz night was raised recently.

Millicent arts and education identity Moira Neagle had a personal reason for staging the fundraiser at the Millicent Bowling Club and 120 backed her efforts.

Brain cancer research was the beneficiary of the quiz night and the event honoured the memory of her brother, Nick Neagle.

He suffered from brain tumours in the closing years of his life before his death at the age of 63 in 2023.

Dubbed the Brains Trust Quiz Night, retired teacher Glen Tilley was the genial quiz master

“I am holding this fundraiser to raise funds for vital research into a cure for people with cancer,” Ms Neagle said in an emotional address to the gathering.

“I wanted to build an event around a head shave.

“I was advised to form a committee and everyone I approached said yes.

“We then approached local businesses for donations for prizes and auction items and we did not get one knockback.

“I then approached the Millicent Bowling Club and was told that we could have their clubrooms for no charge.”

Ms Neagle explained that she has experienced breast cancer and this disease had also taken the life of her sister.

“There is one table missing from here tonight,” she said.

“One of the players for that table is now receiving palliative care.”

She also welcomed donations to Cure Cancer via online means and over half the total came this way.

Ms Neagle thanked all who worked for the success of the fundraiser.

As promised if the tally reached $500, Ms Neagle allowed her head to be shaved with the number two clippers by hairdresser Sallie Jones.

Cindy Dodd also underwent a similar transformation after a whip around raised $350.

The serious business of the quiz night then got under way with the 100 questions referring to such subjects as Shane Warne’s cricket feats, the War of The Roses and the Dr Who theme music.

The Brain Waves table claimed first prize with each member taking home two bottles of wine.

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