“Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm” helps South Australians act early on gambling harm

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“Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm” helps South Australians act early on gambling harm

A new advertising campaign to improve awareness and understanding of gambling harm among South Australians will soon hit TV, radio, outdoor and shopping centre signage near you.
 ‘Spot the Harm, Stop the Harm’ shines a spotlight on the often-misunderstood non-financial harms of gambling, as well as prompting South Australians to reflect on whether they are thinking about gambling too much.
The campaign seeks to explore the perspectives of both the person experiencing gambling harm and also their family, friends and colleagues.
Real-world scenarios shown in the campaign video and radio adverts exhibit how gambling harm can impact relationships between partners, children and workmates.
Research has shown for every person involved in high-risk gambling, at least six others are affected by that gambling.
Some of the harm caused by gambling is short-term, such as not being able to buy food for a few days. But some harm can stick around long after the gambling session ends, for example, relationship tension or poor performance at work.
By spotting these harms early – whether it’s someone hiding their gambling behaviour, withdrawing from loved ones, or lying about where they’ve been – families and communities can better stop harm in its tracks.
The campaign encourages South Australians to visit gamblingharmsupport.sa.gov.au, which provides comprehensive information on the signs of gambling harm, its impacts, and how to access help.

For instance, there is a checklist you can go through to see if certain statements about gambling applies to you, which could be an indicator that you are at risk of gambling harm.
The campaign has been commissioned by Gambling Harm Support SA within the Department of Human Services, which is the unit responsible for minimising the harms or potential harms of gambling.
The message is clear and simple: if you spot the harm, you can stop the harm.

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