Sprint to finish decides 30km race

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Sprint to finish decides 30km race

In near-perfect conditions which were almost a repeat of last weekend’s racing, 10 riders lined up for the second race of the Mount Gambier Cycling Club’s summer series.

A slightly longer distance of 30km awaited the riders, and the fog lifted just as the racers prepared, with barely any wind for the riders to negotiate.

With the final major state track event occurring in Adelaide on Saturday, some of the usual riders were unavailable for racing, but that was offset by more riders coming back to racing.

The first riders away were Michael Dethmore and Spek Peake, with Sandra Parsons and Chris Neave joining the race after a four minute wait.

There was a further four minute wait for the faster riders to begin their race, with firstly Craig Andrae and Tim Koopman departing, followed one minute later by Malcolm Tirabassi, Stephen Jones and Scott Waters, and Nick Kidman beginning his solo run a further 45 seconds behind.

The pace was on from the outset, with riders working together to hold off those behind them.

It was not to be for the six riders from the back as they were well and truly caught before the turnaround mark.

At the half-way turn, Michael and Spek were still hanging on to a three minute advantage over Chris, but the train was quickly bearing down with Nick, Scott, Malcolm, Craig and Tim only 30 seconds behind him.

Sandra found the pace harder this week and was a further 15 seconds behind, with Stephen also dropped from the train another 30 seconds back.

With 7km remaining the fast group caught and passed Spek and Michael to take over the lead of the race, while further back Malcolm could not hold the pace of the fast train and worked with Chris, and Stephen caught and worked with Sandra towards the finish.

At the business end of the race and with the finish line in sight, Nick Kidman outsprinted Scott Waters to the finish line, with Craig Andrae rounding out the podium just two seconds behind and Tim Koopman a further two seconds back.

Next weekend the club will be racing on the often windy, flat Attamurra Road course over 25km.

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