Stories spark dreams

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Stories spark dreams

Book Week will be celebrated at Mount Gambier Public Library, with families with children invited to an evening of activities and pizza next week.

The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week since 1945.

The 2022 theme is ‘dreaming with eyes open’ and runs from August 20-26, with Mount Gambier’s event to be held on Thursday, August 25 at 5:30pm

Mount Gambier Library Children and Youth Services Coordinator Kelly Lynch said the library was celebrating with four different activities for children of all ages to enjoy, along with a special visit by local author and Boandik Elder Aunty Michelle, who will be reading a Dreamtime Story.

“Aunty Michelle is an engaging storyteller passionate about preserving the Boandik culture and educating children and families. Her energy will ignite a child’s love of reading and leave a lasting impression,” Ms Lynch said.

Children will have the opportunity to choose from:

• Illustrate Your Dream Self – awaken your creativity with a facilitated character drawing workshop by a local published illustrator.

• The Magic of Dreamtime – learning about Dreamtime Stories and creating sand art.

• Digital Dreams – you will be transported to another world using virtual reality.

• Dreaming While Awake – enjoy the relaxing dream state of guided meditation by a local practitioner.

With a pizza dinner provided, families are required to book by contacting Mount Gambier Public Library 8721 2540.

Other events during the week will showcase some of the short-listed CBCA Picture Book of the Year books during story time on Tuesday, August 23 at 10:30am, with staff in full costumes throughout the day.

CBCA is a not-for-profit volunteer organisation that aims to engage the nation with literature for young Australians. It presents annual awards to books of literary merit and outstanding Australian children’s literature contributions.

Follow the Library’s Facebook page @TheMountGambierLibrary to keep up with all events.

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