Swim season draws to close

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Swim season draws to close

There is one more week of swimming remaining at the Millicent lake before it closes for an anticipated major reconstruction.

The closure takes place on Tuesday, March 12 and this is immediately after the long weekend.

A Wattle Range Council spokesperson said it had been decided the lake would remain open as long as its water allocation was not exceeded.

The timing of the swimming season allowed one key event to proceed.

Millicent High School recently held its annual swimming carnival at the lake and Meintangk house claimed the prize.

The prestigious Kimberly Smith Memorial Prize was jointly won by Vincent Scanlon and Max Hunt.

Among the other prize winners was Chad Cockrum who had addressed the council in November in a successful bid to permit the Millicent swimming lake to stay open over summer.

Chad won the trophy for Best Male Swimmer under 14 years of age.

Meanwhile, the council will also be closing its Nangwarry pool on March 12 while the Penola pool will operate until the end of the Easter long weekend early next month.

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