Teens arrest after crime spree

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Teens arrest after crime spree

Two teenagers have been charged over an overnight crime spree from Mount Gambier to Coonalpyn.

About 8.30am on Thursday police were called to Poyntz Terrace, Coonalpyn, after reports that a Mitsubishi ASX had crashed into a tree.

When police arrived at the scene two teenagers ran from the car. Officers quickly located and arrested the teens, a 15-year-old and a 13-year-old, both from Mount Gambier.

Checks revealed the Mitsubishi had been stolen from a Mount Gambier home sometime overnight between Wednesday and Thursday. Police also found that the vehicle had been involved in a petrol drive off at a service station at Keith about 7.30am that day.

The teens have been charged with illegal use of motor vehicle, driving unlicenced and breach of bail. They were bailed to appear at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on April 8.

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