Tennis action heats up with Thursday grand finals

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Tennis action heats up with Thursday grand finals


SMOKE, a full moon and very still conditions last Thursday evening created an eerie atmosphere for the tennis preliminary finals.

Despite this, some great rallies and exciting finishes were witnessed!

For the second week in a row, a result was decided in a final set tie-breaker with Coleraine taking the win in the A Grade preliminary final over StrathMundi by 28 games/4 sets to 28 games/2 sets: Hamish Kelso-Wil McKenry lt Owen Edge-Kevin Stark 1-6, Sam Bunge-Sally Armstrong d Greg Johnson-Caroline McGrath 7-5, H. Kelso-S. Bunge lt O. Edge-G. Johnson 1-6, W. McKenry-S. Armstrong d K. Stark-C. McGrath 6-3, H. Kelso-S. Armstrong d O. Edge-C. McGrath 6-2, W. McKenry-S. Bunge d G. Johnson-K. Stark 7-6.

A gallant Carapook team found itself down on power against the full-strength of Sandford White in the B Grade preliminary final, going down 22 games to 32: Mark Cowland-Bridie Ayton lt Alan Rees-Robert Brown 5-7, Ed Pritchard-Tom Jenkins lt Tui Matthews-Logan Matthews-Kays 1-6, M. Cowland-E. Pritchard d A. Rees-T. Matthews 6-0, B. Ayton-T. Jenkins lt R. Brown-L. Matthews-Kays 3-6, M. Cowland-T. Jenkins lt A. Rees-L. Matthews-Kays 5-7, B. Ayton-E. Pritchard lt R. Brown-T. Matthews 2-6.

Coleraine will now seek revenge for its semi-final loss when it meets Tarrenlea in the A Grade grand final on Thursday evening, while the B Grade match up will be an all-Sandford affair with Red playing White.

Spectators can expect to be treated to some great hitting as rivals take on each other in both matches; they will be played in Coleraine, starting at 7pm with presentations and a barbecue to follow.

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