Timber industry leaders awarded

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Timber industry leaders awarded

The region’s timber industry celebrated success on Friday night at the Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards.

More than 500 guests, including Premier Peter Malinauskas and Forestry Minister Clare Scriven, attended the event at The Barn.

The evening celebrated and recognised the industry’s highest achievers, with comedian Dave Thornton opening proceedings.

Ten awards were presented to industry leaders, recognising their outstanding contributions in their respective fields.

The prestigious Timber Legend Award was presented to UniSA’s Dr Jim O’Hehir, recognising his exceptional dedication to the forestry sector, relentless commitment to the delivery of ground-breaking research projects, and his efforts in implementing technology advancements throughout the region.

Dr O’Hehir has been the general manager of Forest Research Mount Gambier since its inception in 2018, having previously worked at Forestry SA.

Timberlands Pacific’s Grace Tse was named as the Trainee/Apprentice of the Year Award recipient, while Amelia Harris of Van Schaik’s BioGro was highly commended.

The Environment and Sustainability Award was presented to Fennell Forestry’s Wendy Fennell, with a high commendation awarded to Levi Bateman of HVP Plantations.

The Safety Excellence Award for less than 30 staff went to Glenara Transport, while Merrett Logging received the Safety Excellence Award for more than 30 staff.

Merrett Logging received multiple awards on the night, with Jamie Marlow recognised with the Operations – Harvesting and In-Field Chipping Excellence Award, while the Logistics Excellence – Port Operations, Marshalling and Timber Haulage Award was presented to Adam Merrett.

Other award winners on the night included Operations – Silviculture and Timber Support Services Excellence awarded to Jason Whyte of Berry & Whyte Surveyors with Josh Praolini from Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub highly commended; Sawmilling and Processing Excellence Award to Andrew Burston of OneFortyOne; Safety Excellence Award – Individual Achievement to Ryan Cassar of Tabeel Trading Nominees and Deb Kuhl of Timberlink Australia & New Zealand.

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