Town plans map out main future priorities

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Town plans map out main future priorities

The Grant District Council has endorsed the completed Inner Townships Master Plan after its creation in collaboration with the community over the last 12 months.

The Master Plan recognises what is important to each inner community including proposed future landscaping, shared use paths, signage, play spaces and lighting.

The Master Plan envisages the assets and amenity required for each of our inner townships against a growing population to design public places and spaces that are accessible, connected, inviting and attractive whilst also reflecting the diverse character of each township with both short-term and generational aspirations.

The Inner Townships Master Plan focuses on the townships of Allendale East, Caveton, Compton, Glenburnie, Kongorong, Mil Lel, Moorak, Mount Schank, OB Flat, Suttontown, Tarpeena, Worrolong and Yahl.

Mayor Kylie Boston said the project was an example of what council and community can achieve together with the assistance of town and country planners MasterPlan and Outerspace Landscape Architects.

“It was pleasing to see our community engage with council, and the appointed consultant team, during the consultation process and we thank everyone who took the time to participate in a workshop or drop-in session or submit written feedback providing valuable insight into each community,” Mayor Boston said.

“Council is proud to present the final plan and look forward to rolling out actions over the coming years.”

Sourced from community feedback, the Inner Townships Master Plan identifies key themes reflecting what is important to each community.

The themes included smart residential growth, movement and connectivity, pedestrian and road safety, enhanced amenity and interest, preservation of historic buildings, sites and structures and better public spaces.

Council chief executive Darryl Whicker said a significant amount of work was undertaken to ensure the Master Plan appropriately prepares for the community’s future.

“The plan is envisaged to be a long-term working document and will play an important role to align community amenity and infrastructure in anticipation of growing populations within each township,” Mr Whicker said.

“Residents living and working within our inner townships are encouraged to read the final document to see how community feedback has translated into a set of future tangible projects for each location.”

The final Inner Townships Master Plan is available online via Grant District Council website.

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