Tribute paid to fallen officer

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Tribute paid to fallen officer

Agathering of 500 people headed by Acting Police Commissioner Linda Williams honoured fallen police officer Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig at a wreath-laying ceremony outside the Lucindale police station on Tuesday evening.

The crowd spilled onto Musgrave Avenue as the town and district and the tight-knit emergency services community paid their respects to the fallen officer.

The ceremony provided a tangible opportunity to express their grief and pay tribute to Brevet Sergeant Doig’s supreme sacrifice.

Brevet Sergeant Doig had been the town’s sole police officer for the past 12 years and was allegedly murdered at a farmhouse near Bordertown on Thursday night while on duty.

Many in the gathering recalled the commitment of Brevet Sergeant Doig to the community of the South East, which also included three years as officer-in-charge of Robe police.

In her address, Acting Commissioner Williams said Brevet Sergeant Doig had three families: his blood family, his police family and the family of the local community.

“His life was wrongly taken,” she said.

“He was a respected man who made the ultimate sacrifice.”

She laid the first wreath at the front door of the combined police station/residence and was followed by Naracoorte Lucindale Mayor Patrick Ross, Member for MacKillop Nick McBride, Member for Barker Tony Pasin and newly-appointed South East Police Superintendent Cheryl Jones.

Among the 25 other wreath layers were representatives of the town’s sporting clubs, CFS, Lions Club and Lucindale Area School and police from neighbouring stations.

Brief speeches of tribute were made by police officers and community representatives during the 45-minute ceremony.

It concluded with a lament played by bagpiper Janet Bellinger and a minute’s silence.

Mayor Ross told The SE Voice that dozens of floral tributes and card-bearing messages had already been left outside the station in recent days as a mark of respect to Brevet Sergeant Doig.

“All such messages are to be collected by the Naracoorte Lucindale Council and forwarded to the Doig family,” Mayor Ross said.

“There will also be tribute books available at the café and hotel.

“There has been an enormous turn-out this afternoon and an outpouring of emotion.”

Some at Tuesday’s gathering wore the blue-and-white tops of the Lucindale Football and Netball Club as Brevet Sergeant Doig had close ties with the KNT Roos.

The club had urged its members to be present at the wreath-laying ceremony to acknowledge his regular presence at Thursday night trainings and Saturday’s games.

Numerous uniformed and off-duty and police officers were present along with uniformed members of the CFS, SA Ambulance Service and Lucindale Scouts.

Donations in memory of Brevet Sergeant Doig are being accepted by Police Legacy.

Details of the police funeral for Brevet Sergeant Doig have yet to be announced.

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