Vietnam Veterans honoured

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Vietnam Veterans honoured

The Limestone Coast community gathered at the Vansittart Park Soldiers Memorial last Friday for a ceremony to honour Vietnam Veterans’ Day.

Vietnam Veterans’ Day commemorates the Battle of Long Tan which occurred on August 18, 1966 and resulted in the death of 18 Australian soldiers and the wounding of 24 more after a fierce three hours of fighting.

In attendance were local dignitaries including Limestone Coast Commander Superintendent Campbell Hill, Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM, District Council of Grant Mayor Kylie Boston and Ben Hood MLC.

More than 30 Veterans made up the crowd of over 50 people which also included Veterans’ families, members of the Mount Gambier RSL Sub-branch and the general public.

Mount Gambier RSL Sub-branch president Bob Sandow said it was great to have the community come together to commemorate the important occasion.

“It is something that we do every year,” he said.

“We do not forgot, we want the community to remember.

“It allows the Veterans to reflect on not only their service but the mates they lost and it’s about giving the guys that came back that never really left … a day they can all join in together and do that reflection.”

Shylie Barry and her partner played ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘Abide with Me’ which are traditionally played at the annual service while Reverend John Deere officiated the ceremony, recited The Lord’s Prayer and delivered a benediction.

Allan ‘Jack’ Russell read a poem, Salvation Army Mount Gambier and Millicent senior core leader Tim Frost played The Last Post and Mount Gambier RSL Sub-branch past president Winston Prowse recited The Ode and conducted a minute of silence.

Wreaths were laid first by veterans and their families followed by organisations, dignitaries and members of the public.

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