Vote set to close

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Vote set to close

Voting for the Corcoran Ward vacancy on Wattle Range Council closes at noon today.

State Electoral Commissioner Mick Sherry was appointed to the Returning officer’s position following the decision of Councillor Moira Neagle in November to leave after completing 12 months of her four-year term.

The voting is being done entirely by post and the count and scrutiny will be held in Adelaide tomorrow. There have been 1493 votes submitted already, representing around 35% of eligible Corcoran Ward voters.

The four candidates are John Shelton, Joel McClure, Penny Henley and Shaun Taliana. The position attracts an annual allowance of almost $16,000.

The incoming councillor will be able to take part in workshops to prepare the draft 2024/25 Budget as well as special council meetings with respect to the new council office in Millicent and Millicent swimming lake.

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