WiBRD toasts to success

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WiBRD toasts to success

Women in Business and Regional Development (WiBRD) toasted to their 25th International Women’s Day last Friday with a sold out breakfast at The Henty.

The Mount Gambier group livestreamed the 2024 Adelaide International Women’s Day Breakfast hosted by Senator Penny Wong with guest speaker ABC’s Annabel Crabb.

Women in Business and Regional Development deputy co-chair Toni Vorenas said having a room full of women together to celebrate International Women’s Day together made each other stronger.

“These events are always sold out ones, it is just something about International Women’s Day and an opportunity for women to celebrate women,” she said.

“I think networking gives everyone an opportunity to stop and take time out from their busy days and celebrate one another.

“It is important because it is an opportunity to celebrate women and I think women create really deep communities and really deep connections and I think it is those deep connections that make you strong.

“I think organisations like Women in Business and Regional Development are crucial because they offer that platform to actually meet with other women to be supported and inspired by other women.”

Director of production ‘Woman’s Work’ Anya McKee spoke to the group ahead of her performance at the Sir Robert Helpmann.

Premiering alongside the live show, was a new short artistic documentary featuring six remarkable individuals from WiBRD and the local community.

“We worked collaboratively with Anya, she has an amazing contemporary dance piece and what she did is interview some local women about women’s work and what that really means to them,” Mrs Vorenas said.

“Her work is all about identity and she created those interviews and turned them into portraits and a documentary that was screened alongside the dance piece.”

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