Young cyclists showcase skill

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Young cyclists showcase skill

The Mount Gambier Cycling Club tasted success in the 2023 Victorian Christmas carnivals, with several riders claiming wins.

The 2023 Victorian Christmas Carnivals brought an exhilarating burst of cycling action to Castlemaine, Bendigo, and Shepparton.

With three days of top-class racing, cycling enthusiasts were treated to an array of thrilling events showcasing talent from various age groups.

Molly Opperman and Xavier Farmilo represented the Mount Gambier Cycling club in the under 15 category, displaying exceptional skill and determination.

In the under 19 division, Paddy Langsmith and Neil Van Niekerk showcased their prowess on the cycling track, while the Masters category featured the experienced duo of Matthew Opperman and Rob Mann.

The MGCC juniors Molly and Xavier made an impressive mark in Castlemaine and Shepparton.

Molly secured victory in the Wheelrace in both locations and added to her achievements by clinching a state bronze medal in the under 17 Madison event.

Meanwhile, Xavier claimed the top spot in the Castlemaine Wheelrace, showcasing the emerging talent within the club.

Notably, both Molly and Xavier consistently found themselves on the podium in all events, highlighting their exceptional skills and promising futures in competitive cycling.

The seniors of MGCC displayed commendable performance, holding their ground against a formidable field of strong riders.

Rob Mann secured victory in the Masters Victorian scratch race in Castlemaine, adding a gold state medal to his collection.

Paddy climbed the podium in Bendigo with a third place in the C grade scratch race and Neil a second in the A grade scratch in Castlemaine.

Looking ahead, the MGCC has its sights set on upcoming track cycling events, including the Australia Day carnival in Melbourne, the AJTS in Adelaide, and the Bells Helmets event in Victoria.

These competitions provide additional opportunities for the club’s cyclists to shine on the national stage and continue their successful run.

As the MGCC continues to make waves in the cycling community, their achievements at the 2023 Victorian Christmas carnivals serve as a testament to the club’s dedication to excellence and the promising future of cycling in the Mount Gambier region.

Cycling enthusiasts can eagerly anticipate more thrilling performances from the MGCC in the upcoming events, showcasing the talent and spirit that define this dynamic cycling club.

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