Councillor settles into new position

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Councillor settles into new position

Wattle Range Council is back to full strength as newcomer John Shelton has been sworn in as the new Corcoran Ward representative.

His wife Ally, other councillors, Mayor Des Noll, The SE Voice and staff witnessed the swearing-in on Tuesday of the retired educator and longest-serving principal of Millicent High School.

The brief public ceremony in the council chambers was conducted by retired council staff member and Justice of the Peace Elaine Wilson-Bennett.

Councillor Shelton signed an undertaking to discharge his duties conscientiously and to the best of his ability.

He was elected well ahead of three other candidates and the supplementary election was necessary following the resignation of Cr Moira Neagle in November.

Cr Shelton wore a navy blue blazer to go with his new Wattle Range Council tie.

Following these formalities, a special council meeting was held to award a $10m tender for the new council office.

Following a break for dinner, a workshop was convened to continue planning for the 2024/25 budget.

Mayor Noll said the new councillor made a number of valuable contributions to the debates.

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