Disaster relief funds awarded

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Disaster relief funds awarded

Grant District Council has been awarded a Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) grant of $202,000 to replace the critical firefighting infrastructure used to fill water bombing aircraft which services the Limestone Coast.

This project will support the replacement of existing 1960s built aerial water bombing water tanks.

In his report to council, Airport manager Nick Serle said construction of the water tank and pump pad has been completed.

“A local supplier who has the specialist skills and expertise has been selected for the supply and installation of a 140kl fire water tank and dual diesel and electric fire water pump,” he said.

“We are now waiting for the Federal Government to sign the funding agreement before further work can be completed.

“The work will be undertaken this financial year and the ability to fill water bombing aircraft will be maintained throughout the fire danger season.”

The Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is an Australian Government initiative which will provide up to $200m per year to fund projects that reduce the risk or impact of natural hazards and disaster events.

More than 300 applications were received with Grant being one of the 187 projects successful in Round One funding.

Applications for DRF Round Two open in July.

Meanwhile, Mr Serle also reported airport staff will be conducting an emergency exercise in the coming months.

He said this will involve Metropolitan and Country Fire Services, the State Emergency Service as well as SA Police and SA Ambulance Service.

“Airport staff will also be offering orientation and induction sessions for the local emergency services so they are able to safely move around the airside area, with knowledge of what risks are encountered around aircraft and runways,” Mr Serle said.

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