Family fun trackside in the sun

Family fun trackside in the sun

If the Mount Gambier Greyhound Racing Club’s recent Family Fun in the Sun day at Tara Raceway can be taken as any guide then Greyhound Racing SA’ s January-February promotion at the four South Australian tracks worked a treat.

From a racing perspective – and complementing the Family Fun in the Sun – Gawler, Murray Bridge and Mount Gambier all ran a $10,000 race while Angle Park’s was $14,000.

But, according to GRSA Marketing Manager Matt Watson, really it was all about getting families to the track.

“This is the first time we have incorporated our four tracks in a promotion like this and despite the added prize money for the club’s nominated races, it’s probably fair to say the racing was secondary.

“What we wanted was to get families out to the tracks and enjoy a fun day.

“After speaking to officials from all the clubs I think, following an extensive advertising campaign, we achieved what we set out to do.”

Known as the family-friendly track, Mount Gambier really turned it on for the families at its February 12 Family Fun in the Sun day.

In fact, Tara Raceway had never seen so many kids at one of its race days.

While there had been bouncy castles, ice cream vans and face painters on other occasions at the track, they had never received the support of last week.

Poor Rosie the face painter was run off her feet as the queue for her services just kept getting longer.

Kevin “KD” Douglas and Shane Perry also helped to keep the kids amused when conducting a series of running races on the grassed area adjacent to the home straight.

And the greyhounds also reckoned it was a good day after the kids were lining up to pat them after they came off the track.

Throwing their support behind the day was Carlin & Gazzard MG, once again sponsors of this year’s Group 3 Mount Gambier Cup.

Sales manager Adrian Jones had a couple of MGs on display at the track and also provided MG memorabilia for the main race, the Summer Classic.

The Summer Classic, first run in 2015, was Mount Gambier’s $10,000 race.

This made it the second-richest race ever run at Tara Raceway.

Leading local trainer Tracie Price had won the winter equivalent, the Winter Classic, with Stylish Moment when it had first been run in 2014.

With the added money he picked a good year to finally win the Summer Classic for Honey Rocks’ Adelaide owner Ron Murch.

Overall, while the away support for the event had been disappointing, Adelaide owner-trainer Richard Stasiak certainly gave it his best shot.

He had made the trip down prior to the heats to trial Elegant Beamer and Elegant Bix in readiness for the Summer Classic.

They subsequently won the two heats before running second and third behind Honey Rocks in the final.

As the families left the track that afternoon to the easy-on-the-ear live music of Profile Duo’s Mark and Wendy, Matt Watson and his team at GRSA – as well as the local greyhound racing club – should have been well-pleased with Mount Gambier’s Family Fun in the Sun.

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