Fire detection enhanced

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Fire detection enhanced

The first two of the game changing artificial intelligence (AI) powered bushfire camera detection and monitoring systems is now operational at Comaum.

The Pano AI system, being implemented for the first time commercially in Australia, will be part of a network of eight such detections systems being installed in the Limestone Coast as part of the State Government’s $2.346m upgrade of the region’s fire tower network, with $1m targeting the new technology.

The program also receives significant support and funding from our forest industries.

The new camera network, which is being supervised by the Green Triangle Fire Alliance, will be progressively rolled out across the region over coming weeks as part of a landscape level fire detection program.

The camera network will further enhance the extensive fire management and surveillance arrangements in place for the 2023-24 fire danger season and ensuring ongoing protection of the Green Triangle’s communities and plantation forests. Installation of the cameras has commenced at other towers including The Bluff, Furner, Elad Road, Mount Burr and St Mary’s Winery.

Carpenter Rocks works are due to commence soon, with Comaum and Mount Benson now fully operational.

The transition to the AI-powered bushfire detection and monitoring system, will result in an Australian first, fully integrated active bushfire detection platform, utilising ultra-HD 360-degree panoramic cameras, AI and satellite technology, which will work to improve the early detection of fires.

The implementation of the new system follows technology trials conducted at The Bluff, Penola North and Mount Burr towers along with a further industry funded camera at Centenary Tower during the 2022-23 fire season.

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