Flagpoles removed

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Flagpoles removed

Five surplus flagpoles at the Millicent Cross of Sacrifice have recently been removed by Wattle Range Council at the request of the local sub-branch of the RSL.

The poles have stood since the 1990s and were formerly used on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day to fly the flags of the services and such organisations as Red Cross.

The flag-flying policy of the RSL has changed over the years.

The services flag of the RAAF, Royal Australian Navy and Merchant Navy are now hanging of the southern interior wall of the Millicent RSL War Memorial Hall.

There are still two flagpoles at the Millicent Cross of Sacrifice and these are used on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day as well as such special occasions as the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

Meanwhile, two of the surplus flagpoles have been re-purposed and erected outside the council chambers in Millicent.

This allows the Australian, Wattle Range Council, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander flags to be flown.

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