Flood risk prompts highway closure warning

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Flood risk prompts highway closure warning

Asection of the Princes Highway between Tailem Bend and Meningie remains at risk of closure due to rising water levels and tide and wind conditions.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is continuing to closely monitor the Princes Highway, after closing the roadway for several hours on the weekend.

The department has warned the combination of floodwaters and effect of tides and winds in the area has the potential to cause water to inundate the Princes Highway at several low-lying locations adjacent to Lake Albert between Ashville and Waltowa.

A speed limit of 60kph is in place to ensure road users can safely navigate this section, however conditions may change quickly and this section of road may need to be closed at short notice.

Road users are urged to pay extra attention to conditions and signs while on this section of Princes Highway, with the current speed restriction also subject to change due to variable water levels.

The department is endeavouring to keep the road open as long as it is safe, with teams undertaking daily assessments of the Princes Highway and other low-lying roads in the region.

If this section of highway does need to close, road users will be required to detour via the Dukes Highway and McIntosh Way.

The department will continue to provide regular updates on its Facebook and Twitter pages – including details of any road closures, detours and safety advice.

Visit www.traffic.sa.gov.au for the latest information on road closures and detours or www.sa.gov.au/floods for more information on River Murray flooding.

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