Head to Health breaks down mental health support barriers

Head to Health breaks down mental health support barriers

The first easily accessible Head to Health centre in country South Australia which is currently operational was officially launched in Mount Gambier on Friday.

Head to Health is a Federal Government initiative that offers an open-door centre for those experiencing mental health challenges.

It provides information, treatment, support and advice to navigate a path forward through the mental health system.

The purpose-built centre at 7/165 Commercial Street East is funded by Country SA Primary Health Network and will be delivered by FocusOne Health.

Country SA PHN chief executive Mark Hartigan said a visit to the Head to Health centre was free, and no referrals or appointments were needed – breaking down the barriers that many people experience when trying to access mental health support.

“We are very pleased to fund the Head to Health centre for the local community,” he said.

“We know that accessing mental health support when needed can be difficult particularly for people in rural and remote communities.

“Head to Health offers an accessible entry point to the mental health system.

Head to Health’s no wrong door policy means people can access support when they need it.

This is a significant step forward for the way support can be offered in our communities.”

FocusOne Health chief executive Scerina Rasheed said the Head to Health centre offered tailored access to tools, resources, and professionals along with intake, assessment, and connection to local services underpinned by clinical knowledge and qualified training.

“FocusOne Health is proud to deliver the Mount Gambier Head to Health service, a valuable resource designed to provide easy access to support for mental health and wellness within our community,” she said.

“It is our hope that we can strengthen mental health service access in our community and break down stigma through our Head to Health service.

“FocusOne Health has carefully assembled a team of local experts from Mount Gambier, each with complementary skills, to offer a unique blend of peer-led recovery and clinical support.

“Our Head to Health team is dedicated to supporting individuals with a range of services, including providing information and guidance for families, friends, and caregivers.

We are here to help people navigate the local mental health service landscape and offer mental health support when it’s needed most.

“We eagerly anticipate welcoming the Mount Gambier community to our purpose-built space located at 7/165 Commercial Street East, Mount Gambier.

This space has been designed with your well-being in mind, and we cannot wait to open our doors to you.”

Member for Barker Tony Pasin joined Focus One Health and the Limestone Coast Community to celebrate the official opening of the Mount Gambier Head to Health Centre.

Mr Pasin, who announced the new centre in April last year, said the Head to Health rollout was a key initiative of the former Coalition Government, which embarked on landmark reform of the mental health system.

“The Coalition has a track record in delivering easy to access mental health support for Australians, establishing the headspace model in 2006 and then initiating the Head to Health rollout in 2021 with the Mount Gambier Head to Health Centre being the first of its kind in regional South Australia,” Mr Pasin said.

“The Mount Gambier Head to Health Centre means another important link in the network of services existing here in the Limestone Coast.

“Congratulations to the Focus One and the Head to Health team who have done a fantastic job in getting the service up and running so quickly since being awarded the contract earlier this year.”

Mr Pasin said it was a proud moment to see the centre open in its new dedicated space and know the team was there to help community members in need when they need it.

“Most importantly, thank you to the thousands of community members who signed the petition initiated by Ben Hood, which I then presented to the former Minister for Health Greg Hunt.

Each signature was a demonstration of need and support and helped me in my advocacy to the Minister on behalf of the Limestone Coast,” Mr Pasin said.

As well as the Head to Health centre Country SA PHN also funds the Head to Health Phone Service in country South Australia.

People can call 1800 595 212 to speak confidentially with a trained professional for advice and connection to the most appropriate mental health supports.

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