History group leaders welcome new addition

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History group leaders welcome new addition

There was only one change at the helm of the Millicent-based South East Family History Group after the recent annual general meeting.

All officeholders and committee members were returned to office unopposed by the 24 SEFHG members in attendance.

The exception was the addition of Millicent resident Xenia Holland to the committee as former Mount Gambier Deputy Mayor Penny Richardson did not seek a further term.

The SEFHG will again be headed in the following 12 months by Noel Boyle (president), Kelvin Edlington (vice president and E-News editor), Virginia Pawsey (secretary) and Les Bebbington (treasurer).

Other committee members are Colleen Hammat (research coordinator), Lucy Thompson (newsletter editor), Sandra Edlington (librarian) and John Nicholson.

Other offices are held by Michael Bleby (public officer) and Charmaine Dangerfield (auditor).

The SEFHG draws its membership of 140 from a wide cross-section of society and includes former Naracoorte Lucindale Mayor David Hood who was the guest speaker after the AGM formalities were concluded.

Mr Bebbington had presented a positive financial statement which prompted two contributions from the floor.

One SEFHG member said he was disappointed to see an 80% drop on the amount spent on advertising in the past 12 months.

Another SEFHG member said the group was currently receiving a good rate of interest on its investments.

Therefore, she suggested the SEFHG give consideration to erecting signs outside places of interest.

SEFHG research sessions are held every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon and it meets on the fourth Thursday evening of each month.

The next scheduled meeting on April 25 will proceed even though it coincides with the public holiday for Anzac Day.

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