Joint cross-border freight plan delivers

Joint cross-border freight plan delivers

The Green Triangle Freight Action Plan is continuing to prove its worth as a key advocacy body with Federal, Victorian, South Australian governments and industry.

At the latest GTFAP meeting last week, representatives from all levels of government and key industry advocates met to review some of the committee’s recent achievements and identify future policy and funding opportunities.

The region, which covers timber and freight industries and the Port of Portland, spans local the government areas of Glenelg Shire, Moyne Shire, Warrnambool, Mount Gambier, West Wimmera, Grant District, Wattle Range, Southern Grampians Shire and Naracoorte Lucindale.

Committee chair Karen Stephens said one of the achievements included the opening of the new Penola bypass, which had “transformed the township of Penola and secured safety and efficiency for all road users”.

Ms Stephens said the Penola bypass was “just one example of the GTFAP’s ongoing success”.

“After years of advocacy, it was fantastic to show key delegates the new Penola bypass and the impact it has had upon the Green Triangle region,” she said.

“Heavy vehicles no longer have to slow down and travel through the centre of town, it has been a win for both industry and the community.

“The Penola bypass project is a great example of what can be achieved when all levels of government work together and the GTFAP committee was pleased to advocate to the Commonwealth Government on this project, which was a key deliverable within the plan.

“In addition, recent announcements by the Federal, South Australian and Victorian governments have reinforced the important role the GTFAP plays in improving efficiency in the supply chain and the movement of freight throughout the Green Triangle region.

“It is not just about funding for roads and bridges – it is also about policy changes and streamlining regulation.”

Ms Stephens said the committee was “fortunate the direct link we have to all levels of government puts the GTFAP at the forefront of funding and policy decisions, designed to improve efficiency in the supply


“Throughout 2022 we will continue to focus on improving road safety across the region, ensuring policy meets the ever-changing supply chain opportunities, embracing innovation in the sector and improved efficiencies where possible,” she said.

“I look forward to the opportunities and improvements the GTFAP can deliver for the Green


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