Lions Club rooted in Mount Gambier history

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Lions Club rooted in Mount Gambier history

The Lions Club of Mount Gambier undertook a commemorative tree planting to mark 60 years of service to the community.

President Stephen Bell and Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM planted a tree for the Lions Club of Mount Gambier in the Elizabeth Knight Reserve.

The tree commemorates six decades of humanitarian service contributed by the club, which recently held a gathering to mark the occasion.

The club’s botanical advisor Lion Robin Conboy OAM recommended a Corymbia Eximia Nana, commonly known as a Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood, as the best tree fit for the purpose.

A mounted pink dolomite stone will be fitted with a commemorative plaque to commemorate the occasion.

A club spokesperson said members appreciated the cooperation and goodwill of Mount Gambier City Council staff.

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