Meet and greets take governor across region

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Meet and greets take governor across region

There were more than a dozen places of interest visited at Kingston, Lucindale and Naracoorte on the second and final day of last week’s vice-regal tour of the South East.

Her Excellency the Governor of South Australia the Honourable Frances Adamson met students and staff from Naracoorte High School on Tuesday.

Afterwards, in Naracoorte the Governor received a tour of the Mini Jumbuk facility and was briefed on operations.

Later, the Governor viewed the Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange, the Country Fire Service (CFS) Memorial for Fallen Firefighters and the Naracoorte Library.

Her Excellency then met with students and staff from Lucindale Area School and Kingston Community School

Afterwards, at the Kingston District Council, the Governor met with Mayor Jeff Pope, senior staff and other elected members.

Later, in Kingston, the Governor met with Alison Stillwell OAM, Kingston SE Branch of the National Trust representative, and Professor Irene Watson, First Nations representative, where she was briefed on the Kingston SE Branch of the National Trust and Kingston’s First Nations ‘Telling the Whole Story – Rewriting the Maria monument’ project.

Her final engagement at Kingston was to tour the Lions Club Community Thrift Shop and then Her Excellency returned to Adelaide.

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