Metro wine lovers to enjoy taste of region

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Metro wine lovers to enjoy taste of region

Australia’s five major cities will get a special taste of the Coonawarra this month, with the Cellar Door in the City Roadshow ready to jet-set around the country again.

Coonawarra Vignerons events and marketing officer Heidi Guyett (née Eldridge) said this was the first time in two years Coonawarra could travel the country to bring the roadshow to interstate cities.

“We were very lucky last year to host the Adelaide event exclusively, so it’s very exciting to be able to now head to the rest of the states to bring Coonawarra’s best to the wine lovers around the country,” Ms Guyett said.

“Typically Melbourne has been our biggest showcase followed by Sydney, then we have a fabulous fan base in Brisbane and we’re gradually picking up a lot of interest in Perth as well, so we’re looking forward to hopefully getting a string of sell-out events.”

On August 11, the roadshow will take off to The Timber Yard in Melbourne, then to the Sydney Town Hall on August 12, before heading to Lightspace in Brisbane on August 14.

The next stop will be the National Wine Centre in Adelaide on Friday, August 26, then heading across to Perth’s Optus Stadium on Sunday, August 28.

There will be a drop to suit everyone’s tastes with shiraz and cabernet, sparkling whites and reds to Rieslings, chardonnays and rosés, back-vintage surprises alongside current releases.

“There is really something for everyone, so if you do not consider yourself a big red wine drinker there are definitely plenty of other varieties that can be tasted along the way,” Ms Guyett said.

Ms Guyett said winemakers were very excited for the event particularly after the two-year COVID hiatus and said there had been a great response from consumers who were eager to attend again.

“The wineries get a lot of enjoyment out of meeting the people they’re

sending their wines to in their subscriber bases,” Ms Guyett said.

“Because obviously there are many repeat customers they have so it’s a great opportunity to meet the customers, but also their distributors.

“The past years when we were still trying to navigate if we could go ahead we had always received a lot of feedback and emails asking ‘when is it happening, are you coming’.

“So to be able to give them confidence that we will be proceeding this year is really good.

“There’s a great buzz in the air, it’s great to get out and about and it’s obviously a fabulous opportunity for us to really talk about the events that are upcoming in Coonawarra.

“From the vignerons’ perspective aside from the wineries themselves it’s an opportunity to talk tourism, really, to entice people to come to Coonawarra and spend their time in the Limestone Coast.”

Tickets are $65pp which includes a souvenir wine glass, a food offering, three hours of tastings and the opportunity to mix and mingle with the winemakers.

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