Noses turned up at uni request

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Noses turned up at uni request

An unusual request to the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill has come to light after 50 years.

The University of Adelaide is currently marking its 150th birthday and the latest edition of its magazine has documented its dealings with KCA in 1974.

The university wanted the Millicent Mill to create commemorative packs of Kleenex facial tissues to mark the 100th birthday.

The request was declined as was an approach to the Postmaster-General to create a commemorative stamp.

In other news, it is common knowledge that another daily staple with links to the local timber industry had its golden jubilee (50 years) commemorated in 1981.

The SA Brewing Company produced cans of its West End beer with a special logo to honour the milestone of the Mount Burr sawmill.

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