Nurse housing upgrade on hold

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Nurse housing upgrade on hold

There have been some slight changes to the community project to upgrade the accommodation for visiting student nurses at Millicent and District Hospital.

At present, the student nurses are housed in what was formerly the Matron’s Flat in the hospital grounds.

The Millicent and Surrounds Health Support Group joined forces with the Millicent Health Advisory Council around a year ago to upgrade the accommodation.

They have focussed on the five bedrooms, common kitchen, dining room, study, lounge room and bathroom.

Much of the work does not require trades personnel expertise and so regular working bees have been staged in the past 12 months.

It was originally proposed to overhaul the bathroom around this time of the year as the student nurses are not in training over the festive season.

However, this work has now been put back until March with the scope of the bathroom work also changing.

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